

Based on its constant interaction with industry participants, Ferghana’s comprehensive, yet focused, database of Life Science companies (large and small) in the US, Europe and elsewhere, gives the firm an important competitive edge in creating acquisition transactions or in rapidly responding to an inquiry for an incipient project.

In many instances, Ferghana actually creates a transaction idea by suggesting a specific target to a potential client, based on our understanding of the client’s strategic objectives and our in-depth knowledge of the relevant therapeutic, technological or industry sector. Frequently, a Ferghana Client or prospect seeks our advice in identifying a suitable acquisition opportunity in a given geographic area, therapeutic sector or technology expertise. Similarly, we are often asked to identify several potential acquisition targets and then to prioritize them in order of their interest/desirability (for our client) and in terms of the likely feasibility of completing a transaction on acceptable terms. Ferghana’s cross-cultural deal experience gives us a distinct edge when negotiating cross-border deals.

Once the desired acquisition target has been identified, and an initial approach made either to its Board or to its shareholders, Ferghana’s negotiating and transaction process skills then come into play. Ferghana has led teams of professional advisors (lawyers, accountants, tax advisors, patent attorneys etc) through complex, multi-jurisdictional transactions and herein lies its real competitive advantage, rather than in handling just “plain vanilla” acquisitions, or launching public tender offers.

Ferghana is nonetheless happy to carry out (a) straight acquisition mandates of clients concerning pre-defined targets (in a multilateral auction or bilateral transaction), or (b) two-phase assignments involving a search for, and selection of one, or a small number of, qualified acquisition targets out of the many possibilities that might exist.

Acquisition Process

Objectives and Elements

Objectives and Elements

The establishment of acquisition objectives and the underpinning strategy elements

Research and Market Analysis

Research and Market Analysis

Research and market analysis, by business sector or specific country, to identify target companies matching the selection criteria

Information Collection

Information Collection

Selection and initial investigation of, and basic information collection concerning, a target company (or group of them) on an anonymous and confidential basis

In-Depth Analysis

In-Depth Analysis

In-depth analysis of the chosen target company (or companies) to determine attractiveness in light of the selection criteria



Approach, and introduction of our Client to, the target company to determine availability and special context issues.

Due Diligence Assistance

Due Diligence Assistance

Due Diligence assistance, working closely with the client’s other professional advisors

Tactics and Structure

Tactics and Structure

Development of negotiation tactics and deal structure

Negotiation Assistance

Negotiation Assistance

Negotiation of the key terms alongside drafting the final documents

Select Transactions

Transaction 41
Transaction 53
Transaction 57
Transaction 62
Transaction 65